How EarBuds Podcast Collective works: Each week, a theme is chosen by one of our curators. That curator finds 5 podcast episodes (from anywhere!) to go along with that theme. Listen to these podcasts by clicking on the links above, through the RadioPublic app, or you can find (most of) them on your favorite podcast app (iTunes, Stitcher, Overcast…)

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PODCAST CURATOR’S NAME: Sarah Gorman and Natalia Rodas

WHY THIS THEME?: In today’s saturated and uneasy times, the definition of what it means to be an American girl branches into something new every day. We love exploring how the overlap of gender politics and American values has impacted modern women and girls. These podcast episodes do just that.

MONDAY: Only Girls – 49 American Girl Dolls (Part I) – 37 minutes

TUESDAY: The Butterfly Effect with Jon Ronson – The Fallow Years Between Teen and Milf – 35 minutes

WEDNESDAY: Oh No Ross and Carrie Ross and Carrie Synchronize with Teal Swan (Part I) – 94 minutes

THURSDAY: Reply All – Invcel – 31 minutes

FRIDAY: Love and Radio – Hostile Planet – 29 minutes

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CROWDSOURCING QUESTION: What’s your favorite piece of pop culture with the word “girl” in its name?

SHAMELESS PROMO: Together we host our own podcast “Only Girls.” Every week we take something from pop culture with the word “girl” in the name and discuss how it relates to modern womanhood. We’ve covered everything, from movies like “Mean Girls” and “Girls Trip,” to songs like “Barbie Girl,” and to Bethenny Frankel’s Skinnygirl empire.