How EarBuds Podcast Collective works: EarBuds Podcast Collective is a podcast recommendation engine. We send a weekly email with a theme and five podcast episodes on that theme, and each week is curated by a different person. It’s the best way to discover new podcasts! Since 2017, we’ve recommended over 500 podcasts curated by more than 100 people. Join our community and listen up!

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WHY THIS THEME?: Life is happy, and life is sad, and sometimes, you want both at the same time. Some episodes are conversations, some are journalistic pieces, and some are narrative stories. 

MONDAY: Love Me  Falling – 18 minutes

TUESDAY: Being Honest with My Ex Naked Photos of My Ex – 50 minutes

WEDNESDAY: Where Should We Begin – Speak to Me in French – 38 minutes

THURSDAY: The Tim Ferriss Show – Amanda Palmer on Creativity, Pain, and Art 62 minutes

FRIDAY: The Dog is Dead – The Prodigal Cat – 21 minutes

GET IN TOUCH: Website | Email | Instagram

SHAMELESS PROMO: If you liked Friday’s episode (the cat one), that’s me! You can find more episodes in the whole series, The Dog Is Dead (link: I also have a funny and informative show about books, called Illiterate (link: 
CROWDSOURCING QUESTION: Do you listen to audio drama/scripted podcasts? Email me with which ones you like! If you don’t listen, email me your favorite random fact!