How EarBuds Podcast Collective works: Each week, a theme is chosen by one of our curators. That curator finds 5 podcast episodes (from anywhere!) to go along with that theme. Listen to these podcasts by clicking on the links above, through the RadioPublic app, or you can find (most of) them on your favorite podcast app (iTunes, Stitcher, Overcast…)

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PODCAST CURATOR’S NAME: Heneka Watkis-Porter

WHY THIS THEME?: Podcasting is becoming increasingly popular. Although the Caribbean has lagged behind for some time, Jamaicans are becoming more interested in this form of content creation. I have also been doing my part to help spread the benefits of this form of new media technology.

MONDAY: Navigating the Customer Experience – Creating Magical Experiences by Knowing Your Purpose – 30 minutes

TUESDAY: Boss Teacher Publish Your Own Children’s Books – 18 minutes

WEDNESDAY: The Transformation Blueprint – Top 3 Lessons From Our First Year in Business – 14 minutes

THURSDAY: Delivering WOW Dental– Turning Your Mess into Your Message –34 minutes

FRIDAY: The Entrepreneurial You – Generating and Spreading Your Ideas and Leadership – 29 minutes

GET IN TOUCH: Email | Twitter | Instagram

SHAMELESS PROMO: Want to start your own podcast? Visit henekawatkisporter.comand get Your Beginner’s Podcasting Course now. I also offer Podcast Production services and Podcast Coaching. If you simply want to step up your motivation then register to get your FREE copy of “8 Simple Ways to Supercharge Your Motivation Every Day.”