If you are not in the fintech (financial technology) industry, payment systems may never cross your mind. Let PayPod show you a whole new world! Presented by Soar Payments, Scott Hawksworth sits down with or calls up a leader in the payments or fintech industries each week. Hawksworth and his guests cover it all – from fintech security and compliance to maximizing credit card rewards to federal banking complications with marijuana companies. Hawksworth is a wonderful interviewer, asking insightful questions, never talking over his guests, and even plugging their company on-air. His guests regularly share their predictions on the industry’s future and consumer behavior, giving listeners a sneak peek into where the fintech industry could be headed next.

Financial industries of all shades evolve quickly, so a weekly podcast is the perfect way to stay on top of trends. As the podcast occasionally uses financial jargon, PayPod is recommended for industry professionals and those already with a basic knowledge of fintech. 

We were fortunate to talk with Hawksworth about the podcast, how they differentiate from other podcasts, and their future plans in podcasting. See below for our full Q&A.

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DISCOVER PODS: How’d you get into podcasting?

HAWKSWORTH: Like so many things, I basically fell into podcasting without knowing it. Years ago I had started a business called AudioSkills, where I created videos teaching people how to record and mix music from home. I wanted to reach more people, and I came across an article discussing the power of podcasting from a business perspective. What better way to reach even more home recording enthusiasts than to host a show all about it where I interviewed experts from all over the world? That podcast became a huge success, and I realized I had a knack for hosting too. From there, I ended up producing and hosting a number of podcasts on other topics as well. I was hooked!

DISCOVER PODS: In your own words, why should listeners tune in to PayPod?

HAWKSWORTH: We are at a pivotal time when it comes to financial technology and payments… and this matters not just for folks in business, but for average consumers as well. How you bank, how you pay for products, and even the very currency you use will either change or has already been changing. 

It’s crucial to keep up with the landscape and have an idea of where it all is going… and PayPod: The Payments and Fintech Podcast features a new expert interview exploring a crucial topic each and every week.  There’s so much to learn it’s impossible to be an expert in all of it, so I really try to have guests break things down in a way that it’s accessible and insightful for everyone  – from seasoned fintech executives to the Average Joe who just wants to know what the heck something like Bitcoin is.

DISCOVER PODS: What kind of feedback have you heard from your listeners?

HAWKSWORTH: Almost 100 episodes in, the feedback has been excellent. Listeners really love the variety of guests and topics we cover, keeping the show fresh. It would be easy to just do a bunch of episodes about digital banks or credit card rewards and leave it at that… but the efforts to bring a variety of guests and topics to the front really seem to resonate. The guest quality is another thing our listeners seem to enjoy. We focus on thought leaders and folks within organizations who can really give the “big picture” view. Listeners love that!

DISCOVER PODS: Describe your recording set up? What equipment are you using?

HAWKSWORTH: My recording setup is very simple, with the biggest trick being capturing great audio from guests. On my end, I’m using the classic Blue Yeti with a USB connection and headphones (of course). It’s one of the rare USB mics that allows you to adjust gain and mic polarity, so it’s fairly versatile for a mic of its type. 

For recording guests, I always encourage them to use external mics if possible, but I’ve recorded a number of them over the phone as well. The big keys are the software we use. I’ll use either Zencastr, or Google Hangouts captured with software called ScreenFlow. This enables me to get great audio quality from guests all over the world.

DISCOVER PODS: What’s the biggest challenge you face as an indie podcaster?

HAWKSWORTH: Definitely continued reach. We’ve seen tremendous listenership growth, but it’s been a marathon, not a sprint. Breaking through the noise and standing out among huge banks and other fintechs  producing content with millions and millions behind them isn’t easy. Our megaphone just isn’t quite as big, and that can make everything from reaching new listeners to landing quality guests require a little more elbow grease. The good news is, I think podcasting success is all about consistency. We’ve released episodes weekly since the show started, and we’ve dwarfed the content production of some much bigger players. That’s something I’m really proud of.

DISCOVER PODS: Where do you want to take your podcast?

HAWKSWORTH: I want it to simply keep growing in listenership each and every month, and I want to keep bringing on even bigger and bigger guests in the space. I’ve been fortunate to have some really fantastic thought leaders and organizations on the show… but we can always have more. If I had someone like Jack Dorsey (CEO of Square) on, that would make me ecstatic. I think we can get there if we get big enough.

As for growth, we’re going to be ramping up the episode production schedule in the coming weeks and months. I think that’s going to be great for increasing that reach!

DISCOVER PODS: What other podcasts are you listening to now?

HAWKSWORTH: I’m a huge NPR buff, so my two biggest right now are This American Life, Serial (working through the most recent season), and then Tiny Desk Concerts.

I’ve also been letting my inner nerd flourish by listening to some Magic: The Gathering podcasts. “Flippin Orbs” is one of my favorites right now.

DISCOVER PODS: Anything else you’d like to add?

HAWKSWORTH: Yes! Two things.

First, if you know of thought leaders passionate about things like payments, cryptocurrencies, mobile banking, or really anything under the fintech umbrella and willing to talk about it… have them email the show: paypod@soarpay.com. I’m always on the lookout for great guests.

Second, if you have an idea for a podcast but haven’t taken the steps to create it… don’t hesitate. Do it now. Podcasting is, in my opinion, one of the most powerful information mediums out there. The barrier to entry is so low, and anyone can make a great show without a ton of investment needed. Podcasting is also a marathon, not a sprint. So just start releasing episodes. You’ll get better and your audience will grow over time. Just start, then keep going!