How EarBuds Podcast Collective works: EarBuds Podcast Collective is a podcast recommendation engine. We send a weekly email with a theme and five podcast episodes on that theme, and each week is curated by a different person. It’s the best way to discover new podcasts! Since 2017, we’ve recommended over 500 podcasts curated by more than 100 people. Join our community and listen up!

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PODCAST CURATOR’S NAME: PodTales: a festival of audio drama and fiction podcasting

WHY THIS THEME?: There is a renaissance in imaginative audio storytelling happening in podcasting right now, with dazzling new fiction serials appearing all the time. These creators are all doing exciting, innovative, heartfelt work. These fiction podcasts represent a range of styles and forms, from tiny breezy episodes to lavishly produced full-cast productions, intimate single-voice storytelling to expertly run real-play adventures. You have to start at the beginning with all of these!

MONDAY: Moonbase Theta, Out  One – 6 minutes

TUESDAY: Flyest Fables Like Little Mice Mocking His Humiliation – 22 minutes

WEDNESDAY: Ghosts in the Burbs – For Sale: Gorgeous Five Bedroom on Wooded Estate with Au Pair Suite (and Evil Housemate) – 23 minutes

THURSDAY: Join the Party – Beginners Start Here! Wedding Party 1 – 62 minutes

FRIDAY: Windfall – Bottom Feeder – 24 minutes

GET IN TOUCH: Email | Twitter | Instagram

SHAMELESS PROMO: PodTales, a festival of audio drama and fiction podcasting, is the only event in the U.S. dedicated to the burgeoning art forms of imaginative audio storytelling. This year, PodTales will hold its first annual festival on October 20, 2019, at Lesley University’s Porter Square campus in Cambridge, MA. We are fundraising on IndieGoGo right now if you’d like to help support the festival! 
CROWDSOURCING QUESTION: What settings have we seen too little of in fiction podcasting? What places do you want audio stories to take you?